Sunday, October 9, 2011

A Yearly Tradition - The Pumpkin Patch

It's that time of the year again.. the Pumpkin Patch is open! We went this morning to take our traditional photos, pick our pumpkins and to visit with Noah's buddy Ronan and his family.
I was shocked when I first realized I forgot Noah's rubber boots. It was muddy - but with my improvised boots (plastic bag wrapped around his legs with an elastic) we made it work. Noah wasn't too impressed with my creation - maybe that contributed to his cranky mood. He was tired - but he had fun anyways!

Heute war es mal wieder soweit! Wir haben unseren jaehrlichen Trip zum Kuerbeskernfeld gemacht... um unsere traditionellen Photos zu schiessen, unsere Kuerbisse zu sammeln und um Noah's Freund Ronan und seine Familie zu treffen.
Ich habe Noah's Gummistiefel vergessen - und war ausser mir vor Wut! Habe dann aber doch noch eine Loesung gefunden - mit einer Plastiktuete um seine Fuesse gewickelt und mit einem Gummi festgehalten ging es los - auf in den Schlamm. Noah was weniger begeistert von meiner Eigenkreation - aber was muss das muss...
Was fuer ein schoener Tag!

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