Thursday, May 19, 2011

The Stanley Cup Playoffs 2011

Guess what? Just like Daddy, Noah loves Hockey. Go figure. 
It's playoff time right now, and the Canucks made it into round 3. If they win this round, they will be playing against the winner from the East for the Stanley Cup Trophy. Needless to say there is excitement in our house.

Noah already knows the rules...

High stick...
Every man who watches Hockey loves to drink beer...
Jeder Kanadier liebt Hockey und Bier.. 
 He knows that real talent starts to practice early.
 Frueh uebt sich... 
He takes advice from his Dad, and trades the soccer ball against the puck.
Er tauscht den Fussball gegen den Puck ein.. keine Frage! 
 He wears a Jersey to support his team...
Er traegt ein Trikot um sein Team zu unterstuetzen... 
He listens to the anthem. 
Er hoert der Nationalhymne zu. 
They shoot, they score... Noah cheers!!!

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